The Parish Ministry Staff Team is delighted to welcome families who bring children for Holy Baptism, and adults who wish to be Baptised and Confirmed.
Baptisms are usually conducted on a Sunday except during the period of Lent when no Baptisms take place. At the present time Baptisms are being scheduled for 11.00am each Sunday.
Preparing for the Baptism
On the Baptism day you and the Godparents/Sponsors are asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to the service. At this time one of our Ministry Staff will provide a short overview of the Baptism Service.
You can book a Baptism for your child or for yourself by completing the form on this website, or you can phone the Parish Office on (02) 4934 5303 for further details to help you through the process of booking your Baptism.
You will be very welcome here, we look forward to hearing from you.
Choosing a Date
Baptisms normally take place on a Sunday. There are often two babies or children baptised at each of these services, but never more than two (unless a family requests it).
Except during the Season of Lent when there are normally no baptisms in Church, we baptise on every weekend throughout the year, and are always pleased to welcome many families who bring their children for Baptism. Please check with our friendly staff for these dates.
Sometimes there are exceptional reasons for Baptisms during this period. If this is the case please contact us.
Photography & Filming
You are most welcome to arrange for people to take photographs and/or to film the Baptism, this includes the use of flash photography. We realise that this is an important event for your family and we want you to have a record for the future.
We ask that they do so in a way that does not disturb the service or draw attention away from the focus of what we are doing.
God Parents & Sponsors
It is usual for parents to choose three people to support them in the care of their child, and it is customary for two to be of the same gender as the child and one to be of the opposite gender. However you are most welcome to choose additional god parents if you would like.
If the people that you choose are themselves baptised (in any Christian Church) we will welcome them as god parents. If the people you choose are not baptised we will welcome them as sponsors. Both god parents and sponsors participate in the same way in the baptism service.
If you are an adult coming for Baptism you are welcome to choose sponsors (who are themselves baptised) to support you and to take part in the baptism service with you.
Baptism Contributions
Saint Peter’s Church is a unique historic building in the Hunter Valley. It costs thousands of dollars each year to maintain the building as a community resource in which baptisms, weddings, funerals and other community events can be held as well as being the home for the worshipping life of the congregations.
We ask families bringing their children for baptism to make a contribution of $150 towards the ongoing preservation of the building. This contribution is used solely for the maintenance of the Church building. We want to ensure that the church building will still be here for your child’s children and indeed for their grand children to come here for baptisms, weddings and funerals. Adults coming for baptism are also asked to make a contribution, and are often able to give a larger donation.
Families normally make this contribution by electronic bank transfer to St Peter’s Anglican Church, BSB 705-077, Account 00040464 prior to the day of the baptism, or they may choose to bring their baptism contribution on the day. Please indicate your surname in the electronic transaction. Cheques can be made payable to ‘The Anglican Parish of East Maitland’.
Adult Baptism & Confirmation
Each year the Bishop of Newcastle or his Assistant Bishop visit the Parish to undertake an Episcopal Visitation and to administer the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation for young people and adults (baptisms for babies and children take place throughout the year), and to receive members of other churches who now worship with us into membership of the Anglican Church of Australia.
Any adult who has not been baptised can be baptised, and Confirmation will be offered to young people who are 12 years old and older on the same day.
If you have not been baptised, or if you would like members of your family to be Confirmed or received please contact the Parish Office. Weekly preparation sessions normally take place in the month prior to the Bishop’s visit.