Saint Peter’s Church, in the Parish of East Maitland is an Anglican community of Christians of all ages seeking to worship God, grow in faith and serve the people of our local area.
Inspired by the words of Saint Irenaeus of Lyons, we desire to be a Christian community which is, “bringing Humanity to life through hospitable welcome, generous care, transcendent worship, spiritual learning and growing together for all ages.”
We worship in the Anglican Catholic tradition, gathering in the beautiful heritage Saint Peter’s Church in William Street. Our worship is dignified but relaxed and our congregations include people of all ages. We welcome people from across the Hunter Region who travel to worship and share in our life.
We are a Parish of the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle, in the Anglican Church of Australia. If you are a member of the Anglican Church of Australia, the Church of England, the Episcopal Church or another Church within the Anglican Communion, and you live in the vicinity of East Maitland then we are your local Parish Church. However, many of those who worship with us are not Anglicans, and everyone is welcome here.
Our Welcome Guide and this website are designed to help you to find out more about our busy parish, but the best way to experience our community is to come along and join us for worship one weekend on Saturday evening or Sunday morning or at our twice-monthly Petrus Community Church Gathering or our monthly Joy Community Gathering.
Our open invitation to you is to join us as we seek God at work in our lives together. Much of the information about our life can be found easily on our website. One of our ministry staff will be happy to visit you to answer any questions that you may have. You will be very welcome here.
Our Parish has been responding to the challenge of disclosures of historic sexual abuse. Read about our response to Facing the Past here.